Dynamic Product Ads are now available through Flightplan on Instagram. Are you excited? But more importantly, are you ready?

Recovering abandoned carts is one of the biggest challenges retailers face on their Shopify stores. Flightplan has been offering a way to capture and boost more sales out of retailer’s abandoned carts through retargeted ads on Facebook for several months. And now, retailers can blast off with an even bigger boost in sales through retargeted ads on Instagram. Here are 4 things advertisers need to know about Dynamic Product Ads using Flightplan.

Watch your money grow with Flightplan for Instagram

1. What Are Dynamic Product Ads?

Dynamic Product Ads, also known as product retargeting ads, are product ads that appear on Facebook and Instagram that show particular products that people placed in shopping carts on eCommerce web stores that they never ended up purchasing. These ads allow the shopper to be reminded that they were interested in these products to help further the buying process. The benefit is a lift in sales from your existing traffic up to 12x.

Retargeted Ad on Instagram

Dynamic Product ads will show across all devices — desktop and mobile — and will wrap automatically based on device size.

2. What is the Advantage of Using Flightplan Over DIY?

Flightplan enables the merchant to enjoy a boost in sales while still running their business without extra resources.

Several months ago, Flightplan was voted Facebook’s Innovator of the Year, because the technology is more advanced than what is out in there in the marketplace for retargeting customers through the social media platform.

The Flightplan technology does all of the heavy lifting for you whereas this process can prove to be cumbersome if done manually. Shopify merchants can easily set up ads on Flightplan in minutes without needing development resources, and the technology will automatically optimize ads based on performance. Retailers that have hundreds of products benefit from this technology because Flightplan will pull in your entire catalog of products, and dynamically serve up the ads most relevant to each visitor on Instagram and Facebook based on their previous behavior in the shopping cart. Merchants can just log into their dashboard to watch the money grow with very little effort on a day-to-day basis. There is full transparency over marketing spend and the nominal fee that Flightplan charges ($99/month after a 2-week trial, and after the first sale) to manage this process. This means that all of the ad budget goes directly through Facebook, while serving up ads on both Facebook and Instagram, with no additional service charges removed from your monthly spend.

3. Adding Instagram to your Flightplan Account is Easy

Once you are on-boarded on Facebook with Flightplan, you can simply add Instagram to your account through the dashboard under your ad settings at no additional fees.

4. Things to Consider Before Take Off with Flightplan

Because dynamic product ads are based on previous traffic to your Shopify store, you will want to ensure that you have traffic served prior to signing up for Flightplan. If your monthly site visitors is low (< 500 monthly visitors), it might take a bit more time for your ads to serve, and for the conversions to start to take off. Your ad copy should speak to the ‘return of a customer’ so headlines such as “welcome back” are going to aid in that invitation to return back to make the purchase. Other than that, sit back, relax, and enjoy the take off in sales through Dynamic Product Ads on Facebook, and now Instagram, through Flightplan.

Not already enjoying the boost in sales with Flightplan? Sign up today!




Direct response ad agency specializing in managed services for Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest ads for eCommerce companies.